Reuss Musical Instruments

Dear customers,

The past year, since I launched the Plasmatron pedal, have been absolutely overwhelming, with a consistent new level of demand for my full range of pedals.

This means that currently (August 1st 2022), a large number of pedals are sold out, and some have been in 'preordering' mode for a few months.

To meet the demand and to catch up on the backorder situation, I have had to restructure my logistics, and go from handling everything myself, to getting some outside help.

First step was hooking up with the third party order fulfillment service business, which is up and running now, since July 1st.

Second step has been the employment of a pair of helping hands to perform quality checking of the pedals (actually playing them, listing to them and checking all controls and switches) and final packaging in the box with manuals etc. Both jobs I aways did mysef, until now.

This second step has temporarily stopped getting new products on the shelfs, due to the training necessary - and then the summer holiday season got in the way to slow things down further.

The good news is, that we are up and running now in the new setup, and within a few weeks, preorders should start flowing out again. First all of the existing models, and then the bob hund pedal preorders. It's still a lot to handle for my new guy, so please excuse us if all preorders are not shipping to the previously advertised dates, when you posted the orders.

The individual product pages are updated with expected shipping dates as they look realistic at present.

Thanks a lot for your patience!

Kind regards,


Anders / Reuss

Written by Anders Marcuslund-Reuss — August 01, 2022

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